PG&E is


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Why give PG&E so much?

  • Currently PG&E is charging you $0.50 per KWH even though Energy generation cost $0.009-$0.10 per kWh on solar which are granted subsidies.

  • Even with CARE you must pay $0.23 per KWH which is almost as much as the average member got charged in 2019!

  • CPUC was put in place to limit PG&E and other IOU (Investor Owned Utility) they have approved rate hike after rate hike almost as if the CPUC’s approval justifies the rate hikes.

  • Even though we pay 110%+ more since 2019 and PG&E “Invests so much” and is having to pay so much in lawsuits they still claimed a PROFIT of 2.2 BILLION!!!!!

  • Other electric utility companies in California are able to be profitable all while charging 1/3rd of what PG&E

  • We don’t need FREE energy but PG&E shouldn’t be milking us while still failing to help improve the QOL (quality of life) of the people they serve.

Call to action

It’s not to late we can stop this before we get to a point of no return. Yes profits can help spur innovation but PG&E is not the corporation to do that. They have had decades to prove they were on our side but instead they fatten themselves off our misery. They do the bare minimum and charge us a premium for it.

We have a few possible options.

  1. Kick PG&E to the curb and work with your County to start a municipal power program it will take a large starting cost but in the end you can invest into your county with it.

  2. Join together to make a citizens union that can negotiate with PG&E and keep them accountable. This will be hard people Corps love making us fight each other.

  3. Write your congressman and out lobby PG&E’s lobbyist. We pay we say We vote so take note. We don’t have money (because PG&E takes it all) but we can pressure them to stand up for us or kick them if they won’t

  4. Go off grid who needs community I can power myself….. This one rarely works and has many issues…


  • For now all we can do is appeal to the CPUC LIOB and tell our representatives that we are tired of funding PG&E’s golden goose.

  • I am a person who pg&e fucked while I am recover from health concerns.

  • Because i’m angry and it gets your attention. might be a childish reaction but I and the people i’ve spoken with are FUCKING tired of getting fucked by PG&E.

  • All data I display is data I have gathered from reports PG&E have summited to government oversite, investor data and data gathered from actual PG&E Victims.

  • For now. I don’t have a team but I intend on building something be it a community and/or a team of people who wanna leave the world better then we found it.

“HOLY fuck you pay how much!”

(Your Story Here)

“I am an actor but PG&E still charges way to damn much!.”

(Your Story Here)

“bruh that’s crazy we don’t even pay that in LA.”

(Your Story Here)